Idea for a movie from slashdot

January 18, 2006

A comment on an article at slashdot on a new trauma pill seems to be promising stuff for a movie script. Maybe I'll write something around this theme. The article at slashdot. From the comment:

Of course, rape victims will be made victims twice because they will not be able to both use this pill to prevent the psychological damage and be considered a reliable witness. Defense Lawyers will say, just as you have assumed, that her memories were changed and there's no way she could identify her attacker reliably. And gullible people on the jury will go for it. "We can give you this pill that will help you be whole, but you'll have to give up on having a solid prosecution against your attacker." What a choice. Ironically, I would imagine that by reducing the tramatic effect of the attack, the victims memories might actually be more reliable.