First photos from Birgits and Hans' wedding online

07 May 2006

Teresa just finished editing the first batch of photos we took at Birigts and Hans' wedding,  photos from the evening will follow in a few days. If you want printed photographs please contact us. You can find our photos here (taken by Teresa Marenzi and myself, Daniel Bachler). The photos by Goswin Rothenthal can be found here.

If you are interested in a choice selection of our photographs or consider to hire us, please take a look at .

Started contributing to wikipedia

27 March 2006

By now I think almost every internet user knows wikipedia, quite possibly the most useful website there is. I have recently started to look into how I can contribute to this amazing collection of human knowledge, and I was surprised about how difficult this is - there are simply so many articles that are better already than I could ever hope to make them. However, it seems that photographs are still much needed in certain areas, and this is where I started contributing today. My first contribution to wikipedia: (photo, article it appears in).

Consider contributing to wikipedia, it feels really good!  


12 March 2006

A while ago I stumbled across a new programming language: Boo. It combines the nice syntax of the python programming language with the well designed .NET Framework class library / IL Language system. This means it is not compatible with python software, but with every .NET component out there. It exists for MS .NET and MONO, IDE Support is available through #Develop et al. . Among the best features: static typing (but with type inference, which spares you a lot of typing) & duck typing, a lot of neat features from python and a few nice bits from ruby/perl (built in syntax for regex), compile time macros (think compile-time VS.NET code snippets) and lots more. I can't wait to use it in a real project! If you're into programming, definitly check it out!

Iconoclash online

07 March 2006

A first version of Teresa and my photography portfolio is online at . It contains a selection of what we think are our best photos. Check it out!

Script to automate drupal mulitisite instance setup

27 January 2006

I just finished a first version of a script to automate the somewhat tedious task of setting up a drupal instance. The script is work in progress so please be carefull. I am not very used to the python scripting language, so there may be some things that are awkward at least. Neither do I know about the internals of drupal, so it is quite likely that some of the things I do in this script are not optimal or maybe even dangerous from a security point of view. If you encounter errors or have suggestions on what to improve, please tell me so (either by adding a comment to this post or by writing me directly). The script is released under the GPL V2 or later.

Here is the description of the script as printed when called without arguments:



Usage: muybridge_install_drupal /path/to/webdir domain
This script will setup a shared drupal instance into
a directory of your choice. This directory should be one
that you just created, and contain nothing important.
The script will create a database, a database user and 
the necessary files.
WARNING: This script is work in progress. You may shoot yourself in the
foot with it. Please only use it when you understand what it does.    
When an error occurs at some stage, changes made until that point are NOT reverted.



Before you use the script, check the settings section in it and adapt it to your needs. The script has to be run as a user that has write access to the directory you want to install the shared instance into, as well as the sites dir of the shared drupal directory and /etc/cron.hourly/ . You will be asked for the mysql root password so that a new database and user can be created (adapting this to use another mysql user who has sufficient privileges would be trivial tough). Ok, I hope I remembered everything important - more info will be added to this post when found.