People are getting pretty crazy about soccer here in Berlin. There are almost no bars left that do not have a TV set standing around. Even if Germany doesn’t play there are crowds of people in those places watching the games. Tonight I strolled around the area where I live and took some photos (view them here). What makes this all even stranger is the sudden explosion of german flags - something unseen until a few weeks ago, but by now every second car and every third flat displays one. Pretty weird. I thought Germany had gotten over this patriotism thing…
In totally different news, I’m making good progress on updateing the structure/navigation of this site, a new version will be online soon.
And, last but not least, a film-tip: In the last few days I watched a lot of woody allen movies - If you haven’t seen it yet, definitly watch "Hollywood Ending", im my humble opinion his best movie to date, absolutely hillarious.
Photos from Berlin at night during worldcup
July 2, 2006